Sunday, December 2, 2012

Everyone Everywhere Needs Water!

Big Idea
People depend on places of water
Host Curriculum area: Social Sciences: Place and Environment
Place and Environment Key Understandings
Level 2: Understand how places influence people and people influence places
People depend on places of water
KEY IDEA: People cannot live without places of water
Key questions: How much water is there in the world?
What are our water needs?
Weeks 1-3 Excite
Brainstorming in pairs to show our prior knowledge about water.

 Experimenting with floating and sinking.

Where on Earth is all the fresh Water?  
A demonstration of how much of Earth's water is salty
and how much is drinking water.
Where can our drinking water be found?
Why doesn't everyone have access to drinking water?

Designing Water Theme Parks.


Explore – Weeks 4-6
In pairs using the ipads and laptops we completed online quests! 

Explain (Weeks 7-9)
We began to formulate questions to investigate:

Where does water come from?
What would happen without the water cycle?
Where does ground water go?
Why are some clouds white?  Why can we see through water?
Why can’t we reach the water in ice caps and underground?
Why doesn’t everyone have access to water?
What is water made out of?
Is water an element?
How do clouds make water?
Why don’t some other countries have water?
Why is water see-through?
Is water always safe to swim in?
How much water is used every year on earth?
Why can’t we drink salty water?
Lucy D
How much water do we use every year in New Zealand?
Lucy H
Why can’t everyone get to drinking water?
How did water get to Earth from outer space?
Why are we made from so much water?
Where does our drinking water come from?
How does low tide and high tide get formed?
How long does the water cycle take?
Ryan M
How much water use in one day?
Ryan S
After it rains, how does the water get into our pipes?
Sam B
How fast can water travel?
Sam R
How does water get into our taps?
How does water turn into a vapour?
How do clouds make water?
How much does the water drink in a day?

We investigated and researched using books, posters and the internet. 
We went beyond what we already knew.
At this stage we wanted to organise the information we have, record it in an appropriate way and decide whether we have all the information we need to answer our questions.

  • Locate information using a range of sources
  • Skim and scan text to find useful information
  • Select the key ideas from text.

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